We need to talk about Kev-- the Economy!

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Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/05 15:32:36
So last time I was here many moons ago, when it was still the Mushroom Company, I was going to do something with the economy I got as far as getting the spreadsheets for the shop off Luigi, but then real life intervened, anyways, it seems the economy is still a bit of an issue, perhaps it's time we talked out but what people want from the economy and perhaps map out some kind of road map to improve both the economy and the server shop, after-all it's a pretty key part to any successful server.

Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/06 00:06:02
Is this XBM?
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/06 04:23:55
I wanted to heal the economy, but nobody cared to help me in doing so.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/07 07:52:54
How about we remove the economy and get people to trade items for items.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/07 13:04:51
How about we neuter Tom and just not let him pass on his genetics.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/07 15:34:37
< not xbm it's ~Tio

Economy could be turned off in the essentials config, but no, that would be a a bad idea!

Most servers have an economy with varying levels of success.

I've not really looked into the essentials plugin in a while, so I will save my suggestions for when I have time to read over it.

However I will say this, after looking various forum posts on this, people tend to fall into the trap of getting upset and any idea of server centrally managing prices or doing anything that might impinge on their economic freedom especially to set prices.

Well let me just say this approach doesn't work in the real world, nor does it work in minecraft, It especially doesn't work when you have things like Iron Golem farms or people who have GMC (though I'm sure I remember a plugin or option that doesn't allow you to sell GMC items)

I think the worth command should be used as a baseline for prices but at a /10th so if a sword is /worth £44 in the server shop it should be sold at £.4.40
unless that is /worth is pulling the values from a user defined database in which case just change the database values. The server shop should sell all in game items and non-craftable should have a steep premium unless they are things which frankly should be easy to make in the real world like Saddles (I still have no idea why these aren't craftable, it's dumb- sort it out mojang)

I think the shop should be self sustaining and not infinite, so it would perhaps begin with some base stacks for each item but after that point rely on blocks being sold to it to stock its supply, again certain hard to obtain items should perhaps be artificially stocked.

I also think emeralds should be seen as currency that can be converted into £ at the shop and this would be a nice way of making them useful and also act as a sink for things like zombie flesh that can be sold to villagers and converted to emeralds afterall we all have stacks of that crap.

etc etc.

responses anyone?
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/09 16:45:51
Pres is a triggered snowflake?... no surprises there.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/02/12 23:32:57
Tom, removing shops (the economy) would be stupid, selling 1 to 1 would mean you would have to be on when people want to buy stuff, not very convenient for either side. Having a stocked shop means people can come and buy when they need to without having to wait for shop owner to be on.

I also don't think the server shop should be selling easy to get items, that's why we have shops, maybe a base price for stuff would be good.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/03/11 01:38:40
static shops are lit.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2018/03/11 13:25:11
Оиlу шду то нацiиg эсоиому iз то аll нацiиg эсоиому. Коммuиiзм оиlу шду!

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