unmute appeal xD

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Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/11 20:18:57
Hey peeps!

I was muted for 24 hours for saying I liked Jason's moms breasts in dutch by Armz... I mean.. 24 hours is a lot, I promise not to talk about Jason's moms boobies ever again- We all know boobies aint mah thang mayn.

So yeah... Looking 2 Bee unm00ted.

Kind regards.

Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/11 21:43:57
Calling someone's mom breast good is a good thing, +1.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/11 22:38:05
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/11 22:45:57
Lol. This is ridiculous... +1
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/12 07:29:39
That is literally all I said.... BUMP
Still 12h left
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/12 11:25:13
You had already been muted for a day by Lerz for various reasons (Like not listening to staff giving warnings, and already been muted, on and off for 5 to 10 minutes both that day and many days before) but for some reason you got unmuted for saying sorry or something.

Also, as I said, you've been horrible to Jason which breaks rule 3, which is also a part of the reason why I muted. You seemed for annoyed by being muted for a day, rather than a tempban or jail for a day, so I thought it would be a better form of punishment.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/12 11:56:25
Not being able to talk for a day is worse than being banned for a week.

Also, it wasn't me being horrible to Jason when he threatened to hack us, telling us to go fuck ourselves, that he hates us & he wishes us dead, I only said his moms tits were nice and he does all that and gets away with it.

Haha, biased or what.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/12 17:38:27
Armz is right x3
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/13 13:29:28
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/13 18:13:29
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/12/15 14:41:18

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