Category | Topics | Replies |
Moderator Applications
In this section you may post an application to be a moderator, keep in mind that it may not be accepted or denied straight away as there may not currently be any open positions. In your application should be included the following things, plus any additional information you think might be useful: --------------------------------------------- Your in-game name: How old you are: Your gender: Have you been banned on any other servers? Why do you think you should be a moderator? How long can you be active on the server every day? What country do you live in? How long have you been on the server? |
1547 | 23766 |
Ban Appeals
If you feel you have been unfairly banned from the server, post a ban appeal in this section using the following template. Username: Why you were banned: When you were banned: |
1309 | 15861 |
Want to request new plugins or features that you think would be beneficial for the server or website? Have a fun new idea, for a contest or something that you would like to see happen or implemented? Post your suggestions in this section! |
1117 | 8951 |
If you have a complaint about something on the server or the forums please post it in this section. This section is for complaints like on staff behaviour, issues, or if the server is down and other general stuff! **NOTICE:** This section will also be used for reports on players breaking rules until a proper reports section can be implemented with image uploading. If you are submitting a report please remember to include evidence such as a link to a screenshot. You may upload screenshots to that can be linked as{filename} So put your complaints in this section, and I will look at them to try and resolve the issues. |
1742 | 20695 |
For general discussion about the server, minecraft, and other things. This category is for everything else that doesn't fit in an already existing section. Miscellaneous posts go in here. |
3451 | 25263 |