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Mail me ingame with /mail send luigiofthebakery [message] to notify that you have contributed, otherwise I will not know your username to promote you.
Contributions can take up to 24 hours to be processed.
Why Contribute?
Contributing to the server helps pay for upkeep costs and keep the server running.
Contributors receive access to special prefix and coloured nicknames as long as they retain the username they contributed under and obey the rules.
Webbcraft - Store
Below is a list of ranks you can pay for. To upgrade from one rank to another, scroll down.
Payment method:
Upgade from one rank to another
Note: Amounts for ranks shown above apply in total, for example if you
have already got VIP you can donate the remainder more to become VIP+
**If you have not donated previously, all donations under $10 but more
than $5 will receive the rank Member and anything less than $2 will get you citizen+**