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Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! 🎃

Today, we'll be launching the Halloween Candy Hunt - our biggest and most content packed event yet!

It premieres at 1 November 2023 06:00, approximately 6 and a half hours from the time of this post. You won't wanna miss it!

Don't worry if you can't make it for the launch though - the event will last a full 2 weeks, Oct 31st - November 14th. You can snag yourself the exclusive rewards and collectibles anytime before it ends!

Speaking of which, here's a few teasers for the event, including one of the rewards: The highly requested Kitty Ears!

We'll see you then! 🦇

UPDATE (2023-11-01): Remember to enable server resources

UPDATE #2 (2023-11-11): Reminder that the event ends on the 14th! This weekend will be the last chance to participate in the candy hunt, and earn the 2023 Halloween rewards.
~ CCShad on 2023-10-31 23:31:00

This article has been viewed 648 times since 2015-05-01.

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