Windows 10 Upgrade & Minecraft

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Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/12 14:04:30
This message is for JamesSkullBlood and Loki:

I upgraded to Windows 10, and while Minecraft works, I can no longer move things between chests, and my cursor "drifts" in the direction I was last traveling. I'm guessing it is an OpenGL driver issue, but if I can't move things into and out of my pack, and if my aim is drifting all the time, I can't play.

In addition, I'm working mandatory overtime again along with trying to maintain a married life and GM'ing a Pathfinder Game. So I have to see if an update will fix this before I get around to rolling back to a prior version of Windows.

Fecklin' computers. :( I gotta go brush my dentures. :p
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/12 18:12:43
It`s called karma , you tried to bully me and you got fucked
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/12 18:36:45
no karma is when you get back what you deserve.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/12 20:14:46
Idventure she didn't bully you the slightest bit. The only thing she did was tell you about your behavior and how you effected her and other players, and how she didn't want to see you again. Also stop with your colorful language, romaq is like two times your age.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/12 20:50:31
Romaq there are clear issues as you stated with win 10 upgrade but I just downloaded the latest Drivers for my graphic card and it fixed everything for me...I hope this will help you as well...good luck friend..
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/13 00:07:35
@IdHelper "It's called Karma"

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

"You tried to bully me and..."

bully -noun
1. a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

There are other definitions. Pick one, and show the specific incidence where I "bullied" you. I'm not staff, I have no powers, no authority, and I have no idea where I have "strength" or "power to harm" anyone here. If you consider yourself "weaker" than me, that does sound like a personal problem, I can't help you there.
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/13 02:17:39
Romaq do you know if there are any shaders for the Windows 10 BETA?
Image Perso
Date sent: 2015/08/13 03:03:37
I'm not clear at all on how we would use shaders without mods besides OptiFine. I did figure out part of the solution. In trying to fix "drift" I turned on touchpad mode, which cased inventory to not work as expected. Turning that made inventory work again.

I updated the Intel graphics driver manually and I updated Java. I still have a bit of drifting, but it is tolerable after I made some changes to the mouse settings. I'm watching a thread to see what is going on, and it will sort itself out I'm sure. I did play around with "Microsoft Windows 10 version", and it had no problems at all. Unfortunately, it's based off MSPE, horribly limited Redstone mechanics, and worst of all I can't connect to WebbCraft SMP. But it was useful to play around with it to see the HARDWARE wasn't the problem, but something to do with the mouse settings or the mouse interaction with Minecraft PC version.

Anyway, I'd be back in business but I may have to dink with my wife's computer to make sure it properly behaves, and we are likely to play another game together. Or I may just get some sleep. It's nice to only work four 10hr days, but it doesn't leave me a great deal of time. The only reason I worked out what I did was for being let out of work early.

As "Karma" goes, the trouble was pretty damned wimpy compared to the things I've been accused of by Altruists. Fah! What an evil bunch. Fortunately for them, "Karma" comes when they run out of other people's money. Or as I like to call it, "Reality Happens."
Image Perso
Date sent: 2024/06/11 00:16:54
upgrade to windows 11 lol

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